Omnichannel Becomes Even More "Omni"

It is vital for a publisher to cover all available channels and all use cases. First and foremost, one needs to analyse their traffic sources and content specifics, but global trends will advise on which way the wind is blowing and what is worth paying attention to.

The global mobile traffic volume (both web and apps) still surpasses desktop, however only by a few per cent, and the gap has not grown substantially since 2017.


Breakdown by country shows a somewhat different picture. Outside Asia and Africa, the desktop keeps a 1-5% advantage.


Users’ habits have remained the same: they spend more time on websites via PC and prefer making expensive purchases using a PC, and the desktop CTR is three times higher than on mobile.

As for the new channels:

  • Voice assistants: The user base is growing, as is the number of voice searches. This use case is yet another reason to get into the top ten search results: Alexa does not read beyond the first page.
  • Mobile: The mobile web search is on the rise – and here good UX would also add to the success. The messenger audience is scaling up – this is a promising platform for communicating with the audience that is gaining popularity among advertisers.
  • Connected TV: According to SpotX polls, in Europe, there is a Smart TV or console in every second home – that’s 60 million households. In the US, 80% of households have at least one Smart TV. And their number is only growing. Viewership covers all possible demographics. Half watch CTV regularly, 58% prefer free content with ads to a subscription, and 69-80% watch ad-supported content routinely.
Svetlana Petryanina
Svetlana Petryanina

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